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Chevron Black MDF Wall Panels

£79.99 £79.99 Including VAT

A Chevron wall panel refers to a decorative wall covering or panelling design that features a chevron pattern.

The chevron pattern is characterised by a zigzag design created by arranging rectangular or parallelogram-shaped panels in an alternating fashion. When these panels are installed on a wall, they create a visually striking and geometric pattern that adds texture and depth to the room.

Panels sizes:

390mm x 2420mm

Thickness: 9mm,12mm,15mm




Experience the elegance of our seamless pattern slat panels in a striking charcoal black finish, measuring 242cm x 39cm each. These panels are not only aesthetically pleasing but also highly functional.

While Charcoal Black panels are ready for installation. Any marks or scuffs can be easily sanded down multiple times. They can be oiled if someone is looking for added surface protection for the panel.

Each slat boasts a width of approximately 65mm, with a 12mm groove for added visual appeal.

Customising these panels to your specific requirements is a breeze. Standard tools such as a drill, jigsaw, or router can be used for effortless modification.

To get a feel for our panels, consider ordering a sample measuring approximately 20cm x 39cm.

Our panels are crafted from engineered wood known as MDF (Medium Density Fibreboard). They are designed for easy trimming, cutting, routing, fixing, and maintenance.

Our panels can be installed both horizontally and vertically, creating a seamless pattern. We do not offer start or end pieces, as all boards are identical. For a polished finish, consider having the last panel without a lip, which can be requested in the personalisation box.

If you anticipate the need for screws, the paintable option allows you to fill all holes and paint over them, eliminating any visible marks.

Our panels are designed to elevate the aesthetics of any room swiftly and effortlessly, adding a touch of modernity to spaces like kitchens, lounges, bedrooms, living rooms, and dining areas.




Additional information


9mm x 390mm x 2420mm


12mm x 390mm x 2420mm


15mm x 390mm x 2420mm


Sample product